Found growing in Live Rock


Reefing newb
I just noticed this growing in some live rock that has been in my tank for about 8 weeks. It is about 1" long. I cannot see the base of it.

Sorry, but not a good picture, but best i could do at the time.

Any ideas?


  • What is it 2011-12-03.jpg
    What is it 2011-12-03.jpg
    28.1 KB · Views: 556
ouch. just googled and those things sound nasty. what is best method to get rid of them? read about injecting with lemon juice - good idea?? fresh or bottle matter?
I'm not sure if that one is too big for a pep shrimp though...maybe the pic makes it look bigger than it is? But Aiptasia X or Joe's Juice would work.
I would recomend Aptasia X, I use it everytime I find one and it works great.

Pep Shrimp work well also but they attack it slowly witch may lead to it being able to spread in rare cases.