Found a very odd creature


Reefing newb
I've had this piece of Christmas tree rock in quarantine for a couple of weeks and it is full of life, well I had no idea just how much. The rock is only about as big as my fist but it has paired feather duster worms, about a dozen bristle worms, and now this. I woke up for work this morning and snuck up to the quarantine tank (I sneak up to it because everything jump in it's hole as soon as it sees me):mrgreen: Anyhow, here was this, what looked like a worm, but it was about 5-6" long and as thin as dental floss. It was making it's way all around the rock so it was definately alive. I hadn't seen anything like it before and couldnt find it on chucksaddiction or in the search feature here. So does anyone know what this thing is? I want to put this rock in my main tank but cant now until I figure out what this is. I will try to post pictures of it tonight. I was rushing out the door this morning but snapped about 4 pics of it before I left. Thanks in advance.

Oh I forgot to add that it was all white with no other coloration and no abvious features other than it looked like a very skinny earthworm.
Here is a pic...hopefully


  • 08-10-08 001.jpg
    08-10-08 001.jpg
    50.4 KB · Views: 301
Cool, the pic worked.:^:

The head (assuming) was at the bottom right corner and it seemed to get thinner towards the back.

What is strange is that I just got done watching this video last night on youtube and I wake up this morning to see this. Weird huh? Could this be the same thing?
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Dustin I love that you get aggrevated when Hibye make the same type of post you are known for! haha Children.
From looking at the pic,I have no idea what it is.BUT,99.9% of the worms that hitch hike in are safe and good additions to your clean up crew.
I'd just watch it and see how it goes.
This is not going to be much help.I've seen this type of worm,currently in my system and in the past.They are mostly nocturnal and stretches there body out of a hole,any signs of danger and they can retract at lightning speed.On very rare ocassions,I've seen them move from one rock to another,stetching and retracting like an earthworm.I've never witness it do any harm and never could find a match or name.

Top right(widescreen monitor) was my guess from Melev's site.It's a picture of a thin worm stetching across the sand bed,near a corner and what looks like a snail shell in the background.
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This is not going to be much help.I've seen this type of worm,currently in my system and in the past.They are mostly nocturnal and stretches there body out of a hole,any signs of danger and they can retract at lightning speed.On very rare ocassions,I've seen them move from one rock to another,stetching and retracting like an earthworm.I've never witness it do any harm and never could find a match or name.

Top right(widescreen monitor) was my guess from Melev's site.It's a picture of a thin worm stetching across the sand bed,near a corner and what looks like a snail shell in the background.

Did you mean the "other" right?:mrgreen: I couldnt resist...Upper left corner I see something that resembles it. My LFS guy told me it was prolly a spaghetti worm and was more than likely harmless. Hey as long as they eat just dead things he's good to me. Thanks for all the replies and help.