flying fish!!!

i think yote should just make us posters brings us so much joy...but then is that
lol if I could at work I soooo would. lol.....its just a classic. whatever kinda bad day ur havin...just look at
hey now...I never kiss and tell (right Biff :D), not to mention, Yote and I have an understanding, we share a monogamous, non-homosexual, man-love of each other...nevermind, it would just take too long to explain it...:shock:

oh, I know. Once you jump on Biff's bandwagon of posting, all bets are off. Don't worry I can take it. Hell, I like it, reminds me of my mom and such. BTW, we have a don't ask, don't tell policy here at the living reefs, that is why Alexander has been so comfy here

hmmm i see that now in lions build thread....scary kind of...

again tho, to each his sure thats how people like you are attracted to this forum.....