Fish List for a 75 gallon.

Sir Alex

Dragon the eel (below)
Right now this is my list:

Kole Tang

Tail Spot Blenny

Diamond Watchman Goby

Pair of Occelaris Clowns

Six Line Wrasse

Flame Angel

I know I have 1 too many fish there, that's what I need to know, which one I should take off? I'm also wondering in which order should they be added. I want to start with the goby.
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Well, 20 gallons for the tang, 10 for the blenny, 10 for the goby, 20 for the clowns, 10 for the angel, and 10 for the wrasse. If I can get them all then that's great. What about the order that they should be added?
I cannot get mine out. I tried it all. He won't come to the top for food and when he does it is in the back of the tank as he was hunting young Porcelain crabs. That is their normal diet. Well Crustaceans.

I put a long Smart Water bottle with squid in the bottom but he only sniffed the top. I think the bobbing bottle frightened him.

I am going to try to use shrimp, squid and other stuff today.

I am just going to buy a big Clown fish or 2 and be done with it. I will still try to get it out all the while.

I just don't like stressing the other fish doing it and bumping the corals.
I said it before and I will say it again.

I wish we could all just communicate. I'd say look. I will give you all you can eat just don't bother the fish.

He would say, look put me back in the ocean.
I was seriously thinking of putting the squid in the opening of my shop vac and then turning it on for a second to vacin him out.

I would get him out quick and into something but man that has to work I just don't know 100% of it will. I wish I had a small tip on it.
I was seriously thinking of putting the squid in the opening of my shop vac and then turning it on for a second to vacin him out.

I would get him out quick and into something but man that has to work I just don't know 100% of it will. I wish I had a small tip on it.

That sounds really risky...
He is about 11" long.

I don't know for sure but maybe more or less.

He just won't come to the top and even if he does it is too big for the net to snag easily and will dart away from my hand.

I tried a pair of plastic tongs but man he was too fast and then he wouldn't get between it.

I had him poking out of a hole trying to eat the squid but I couldn't get the tongs in position fast enough and he jetted.

This is a nightmare now but I may just get bigger clowns and say screw it for now.

Then I can feel safe and keep trying.
Take a hand towel and stick your hands in the water and just grab him, with the towel. That's how I got my eel of the floor when he jumped.
That thing is way too fast and he will see it coming. He is like duuhhh and then moves like lightning.
Get him used to eating out of the rocks. Wait an extra day or two between feedings so he's thinking more about the food and less about you. But now that you've tried and failed to catch him, he's going to be more wary of you.
I used to feed mine right out on the sandbed. He would get himself so worked up about eating, he would push against the rocks, and it made me very nervous. Plus I liked to check the length of his body to make sure he didn't have anything wrong with him.

And Sir Alex is right, the shop vac is a horrible idea.
Well he only eats like maybe every 3 days. I have never fed him anymore than every 3 days. He doesn't show up for that long usually.

I mean if he comes out I will quickly get him some squid and sometime he will eat one pice and nothing more.

I can't really get him to come out that far. He will come like half way up then just go back down. I am going to try the bottle again tonight but I will shit off the powerhead that makes it move around the most.

I have 3 powerheads so finding a calm spot is almost impossible or is impossible.

I was wondering if maybe I get a crab leg from the store and use that for bait instead that maybe it will be more effective.

Plus I can always feed it to him anyway.

I am trying not to feed him his normal amount because he does chase crabs not the fish and the crabs he chases are not ones I put in they were born in the tank.

I started with about 7 Porcelains and have 15 now. The new ones are more white than anything.

I have a few with one claw left. I am hoping I can trap the Mantis in the meantime but I figure it can just swim out of the bottle if it is left overnight.

I have 2 Emerald crabs and man one was trying its hardest to get in the bottle. It can't fit but it was leaping from the rock and hanging on the lid. THis scared the Eel away many times.
I guess I will feed him then cuz he was looking for grub this morning because he only got one piece of food last night as I was trying to catch him and make him hungrier.

He would probably really enjoy a nice piece of crab meat mmmmmmm

I really do like him a lot. I guess the interaction makes them so cool and then I feel like he likes me haha.
When you put the feeding stick in the tank, start right in front of his face and see how far you can pull it back before he's not interested (or too scared) in it. He should gradually get used to you pulling it farther and farther back. It'll take a while, but you can get him out this way.