fish food??

The freshwater frozen foods are: Bloodworms, Cichlid Delight, Freshwater multi pack (4 varieties of food) and Beefheart. Can I give these to my saltwater fish?
How do you store the food in Tupperware. Do you add SW to it? Is the food thawed before storing. Do you just put one feeding at a time in the tupperware? Please explain further. Thanks.
so can someone make a list of food cubes i should try to buy. going to lfs on friday. so tell me what to get!! my livestock is:

1. clownfish
2. 2 gobies 1 hides all the time and is purple to yellow, then the other gets scared very easily and i yellow, orange, and a bit other colors,has along top fin.
3. sand shifting star
4. 3 blue legged hermits
5. 1 red legged hermit
6. 2 pepermint shrimp
7. 3 snails
8. and im getting more cleaners for my tank when i go as well.

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A variety is best. Buy 3 or 4 different foods and rotate which ones you use. Mysis shrimp, Emerald Entree and Marine Cuisine are all easy to find and are great foods. Rod's Food is a bit pricier and usually only found at LFS, but Rod's Food already has a mix of stuff and is a great all-in-one food.

My fish also eat bloodworms, fortified brine shrimp, tubifex worms, krill and plankton.