first time reefer

With the yellow tang,Its not a matter of him getting sick,so much as it him stressing the fish you REALLY want.Then the Regal causing all the others to get ick.
One sick or problem fish,can cause major headaches and wasted money when it comes to reefing.
When I first started,the wife wanted a dogface puffer to put in my 30gal.I finally told her that she could have the puffer,IF she set up a tank for it.She then changed her mind.
To help your coraline spread.Get a new stiff bristled tooth brush and light brush the spots thats already growing.That will cause it to release spores that will attach else where and help it spread.
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With the yellow tang,Its not a matter of him getting sick,so much as it him stressing the fish you REALLY want.Then the Regal causing all the others to get ick.
One sick or problem fish,can cause major headaches and wasted money when it comes to reefing.
When I first started,the wife wanted a dogface puffer to put in my 30gal.I finally told her that she could have the puffer,IF she set up a tank for it.She then changed her mind.
To help your coraline spread.Get a new stiff bristled tooth brush and light brush the spots thats already growing.That will cause it to release spores that will attach else where and help it spread.
i guess ive been doing right then...ive been brushing the pieces my boss gave me that are covered 100% with coraline thinking it would help it just made thankyou for confirming my thoughts...
today the tank is looking pretty nice...i have about 70% of all the rock with a light dusting of coraline...the toothbrush has definitely worked...i should have my new camera tommorrow so i hope to have some nice clean pics of some of my zoas and polyps...
couple a pics....with some additions.....since that pic, i've moved the lower section off the back wall so i can put stuff on both sides...everything is doing very well!


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thanks! right now a couple of them are in a losing battle with my rose bt...since i moved the lower rock to the center the rose decided to move up front and as expected is showing no courtesy to the few xenia that are in its path..on a good note it is about to split so maybe my little nemo will have a place to hang if the maroon doesnt claim both...last night i added a 4 pack of actinic blues and whites and WOW what a difference in the tank today! alot more color in my zoas and polyps, yeah, im stoked:mrgreen:
thanks yote! i think lmb's are one of the coolest fish to watch....he got me through a real tough battle with hair algae in the beginning...they are such a curious fish. when he's not eating, those bug eyes are at the front of the tank watching us or the anima ls...i really wish my percula would find a home in my other bubble tip...i need to find some nemo colonge for


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the tank is doing really good and still very stable...not having any trouble keeping the bad stuff at 0 and all the good stuff in range...i've had two fatalities recently but fortunately they were some xenia that was in the path of my BTA in its search for a good place to hang out...those things are growing like weeds anyway. the tangs are very happy and healthy and all the fish are getting along pretty good...i guess i'll start a thread and get my pics loaded and caught up to the present time...tomorrow, i'm going up the road to a real nice shop i found while i was doing some business up there...they had some stuff up there that got me pretty excited...i think though, im gonna bring my laptop and look everything up im interested in to make sure thats what i want...i might even be able to take pics and download/post them to get some opinions from you guys and gals...gotta love technology:mrgreen: