first time corals


Reefing newb
I have a new 90 gallon. I plan on letting it cycle for at least one more month. I've already decided on the fish but haven't purchased them yet. What are some hardy yet attractive looking corals I should get? I want to make my tank very colorful. I've already researched all the fish I want and they are all reef compatible, so no worries there. When should I introduce the corals to the tank, before or after the fish? Also what kind of lighting and care would i need for the corals?
You can introduce some beginner corals as soon as you are done cycling and have sufficient lighting. I would suggest starting out with some softies(mushrooms, zoas, leathers) and some LPS (hammer, frogspawn, acans, etc)
There are tons of lighting options. HO T5, Metal Halide, LED. I suggest looking at some tank build threads on a tank similar in size to yours to get some great ideas.
A while ago I had a bubble tip in my 30 gallon and it died in about 3 weeks. I didn't know what was wrong, so I wasn't sure if it wasn't eating or what. Is that a harder coral to keep or something? If corals don't require feeding, what would they eat?
They have a relationship with the algae that grows in their tissue. The light feeds the algae, and the algae feed the coral. They also filter feed from the water. Bubble corals will take some spot feeding if they are healthy, but it's not necessary to feed them.
A while ago I had a bubble tip in my 30 gallon and it died in about 3 weeks. I didn't know what was wrong, so I wasn't sure if it wasn't eating or what. Is that a harder coral to keep or something? If corals don't require feeding, what would they eat?

Did you have a bubble tip anemone? If so, that's not a type of coral. Anemones are very difficult animals to keep and have different requirements than corals. For one, they require a lot more light than corals do so your lighting was probably not good enough to keep an anemone.