First Salt Tank!

just get the long ones and thread them in and around the rock. You have really great rock to do that with, it looks like it has all sorts of little holes and notches.
Hey guys! So quick update! i re-did all my rocks and secured them as best i could ( i think i did a decent job! ). Also i ordered my lights yesterday, paid for ground shipping, and they were here today at noon! I spent my day at the baltimore aquarium and when i got back i set up my lights. Here's some pictures of the new rig!!





Just keepin truckin!!:helm2:
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback it's great to hear!

You done good, Kully! What did you end up getting for lamps? It looks great!

DAvis i was between the coralife t5 30" and the aquaticlife t5 30"...
I went with the coralife for a couple reasons, just seemed like a better purchase in the long run, it's got 2 10,000k, 2 actinic, and 2 directional moon lights. Each has it's own wall plug so i can run individual timers, leading me too my next question on this boy...

Should i run lights at all on cycle? i've read many mixed feelings about this, i'm thinking to just run them a few hours a day during the day to maybe see if i got any hitchhiking corals that i need to get rid of...
Also the lighting system is about 3" off the top of the tank, and my skimmer is about 4" tall off the tank, and they don't fit togeather at the same time, :grumble: is it ok to lift the light up 1 inch to make room??

Thanks again!!
So this might sound a little crazy but its been a few days over a week and a half sense i've got my rocks in and about 2.5 weeks sense i've had water and sand in the tank and all my levels are at 0!

looks like my pH is around 8.2 my ammonia is at 0 nitrite at 0 and nitrate at 0 (the color is more yellow IRL), and salinity is at 1.025. I'm going to give it a few more days to be sure but looks like everything is good!!! :^:

Here's my planned cuc any input?!
3 nassarius snails
1 or 2 astraea (cause they flip)
2 nerite
5 trochus
one more hermit (i'm thinking blue legged)
and a cerith snail

I feel like this is a good amount to start with and i can build up from there.

Also how long should i wait to add fish and coral after i put my starter cuc in the tank?!
also should i drip or bag the cuc for acclimation?

Thanks guys! Can't wait :Cheers:
Awesome rock work! Your cuc lineup looks good. You can add more nassarius snails. Definitely drip-acclimate them for 1-2 hours. You should do that for all the livestock, really. Less stress.

Since your cycle is done, you can get 1 or 2 fish now with the cuc. The cuc don't really add much bioload.
Yay!!! Youre ready for your first fishies!!

I would say that looks like a good CUC! and the best way to acclimated any animals is the drip method over an hour or so.

And dont forget only one fish every 3 weeks or so!
Ya, clowns are the exception to that.

But i wouldnt add them first, they are some of the more aggressive fish and its best to add peaceful to increasingly aggressive fish. But you arent planning on some of the more wimpy :) fish like gobies or blennies go ahead and add them!
Hey guys soooooo I got some fish :)




and little fish yeah i don't plan on getting any fish for a lilttle while longer and when i do i want to get a lemon peel angel... but i'm not fully decided.

I only wound up getting a few snails because the lfs i went to kinda sucked and only offered 2 kinds of snails and they even sold me some shells that they said had snails in them that dont :(

also the fish were kinda expencive, but w.e. I'm waiting for my real LFS to get a new shipment of stuff in, i figure the 5 snails i wound up with can hold me over till next friday.

but for now, false and true perculas are quite fun to watch, maybe start adding some corals late next week or 2 weeks from now.
do i have to follow the 2-3 week waiting period for coral like fish?!
also the false percula is just a little baby any thing i should know and how much will he eat?

Thanks guys! Super excited!!
Ah!!! What little cuties!!!!!

And and all fish will eat as much as you let them, so just feed them a bit once a day of high quality food.

And the problem with the lemonpeels is that they are notorious coral eaters, which sucks because I love them . . . .

But no, you can add as many corals at one time and as often as you like :) same for other inverts.