First corals


SPS Freak
Yes! its true I now have a duncan and a green candy cane. Ive had them for about a week now and they seem very happy and I love to feed them mysis. I was told by the LFS that i should add some reef snow or something like that. Is this a good idea?
What other frozen food should I feed them?

Also I noticed that 2 little heads(pencil eraser size) of the duncans are dropping off form the main group. they look healthy are they reproducing? and what should I do with them once they drop off?
What other frozen food should I feed them?

Also I noticed that 2 little heads(pencil eraser size) of the duncans are dropping off form the main group. they look healthy are they reproducing? and what should I do with them once they drop off?

Mine gets frozen mysis or krill ever so often.Sometimes I'll throw in cyclops,rotifers,or oyster eggs.
Sounds like your is putting on some new heads.They wont fall off,but will grow into new polyps.