Feeding Polyps

Why is my button polyp doing this?

It's like it totally relaxed and just flopped over on the sides. It does this daily. Sometimes when the lights are all on, sometimes just under actinics.

Is this just a sign that it's comfortable and relaxed? Or is it going to melt down and turn into stinky goo?


This is what it looks like "normally". Well opened and slightly upturned on the outer edges. It's growing bigger and it's shooting two new sprouts at the base.

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I don't know why but since its growing new ones.they are super hardy so don't sweat it.Now hurry up and send me those zoos to the right of the pic!
You're first on the list for the yellow w/orange centers reeffreak. They are growing. I'm going to place some rubble next to them and start a new colony soon. Soon as they grow out to the other rock, I'll slice the mat and seperate the two rocks.
My Buttons do the same thing Rc.I think its just their way of taking it easy for a while.