Feeding Polyps

Most people don't quarantine inverts, only fish. Dipping them is a good idea, if you have Reef Dip, just follow the directions on the bottle (I've never used it). I've always just used a dilute iodine (Lugol's) solution.

I don't quarantine any of my corals...
Guess what just showed up? :bounce:

They are all alive and appear healthy.

I'll be back with pics after they acclimate and open up a bit.
My brand new digital Canon Powershot A460 digital camera sucks butt. 5.0 megapixel and it won't focus or zoom on anything closer than about 3' away. :grumble:

I took about 40 pics about 15min ago and every one of them is blurry. Full daylights and actenics. Tank is glaring bright. No flash. Camera about 2" off the glass. BLUUUUUUUUURRRRR

I can turn on the flash, but they look poor. Washed out.

I'll try it with flash and post them. They are clear, but just don't look right.









Left Side:

Right Side:

Tank Shot:
But where do ya put them all? :shock:

I am having trouble deciding how to stock my tank. When you put new corals or frags in your tanks, do you keep zoas on one side or in a certain area? And all the mushrooms and ricordia are over here? Or, do you just intermingle all different corals with each other?

See that big rock on the top--right side?
I was thinking about putting all the zoas on that rock and let them grow together in a big mass.

As you may have noticed from the pics, I got duplicate frags of 3 different ones. It's okay with me. I was thinking about putting all the same color frags next to each other.

So, do you take all the same colors and put them together on the same rock?
And do you put ALL the zoas on one gigantic rock--and thats the "zoa" rock in the tank?
Or do you just scatter them wherever your eye tells ya they look good?

What about the other corals? Do I keep all the mushrooms together? Or place them where it feel right?

I'm really struggling with this. Probably sounds really stupid to some of you.
Those zoos are GORGEOUS!
I have to get me some....where did you get them?

This guy:
Frag packs for sale - Reef Sanctuary

His name is Walter Hoffman. His email is:
askearth101 at yahoo dot com

These frags arrived in a styrofoam box. Each frag was indivdually wrapped in a plastic bag. The plastic bags were about 1.25" diameter and about 10" long. He put the frag in the bag and about 1/4 cup of water. Then he twisted them shut and put the rubberbands on. They were packed with ice and a lot of bubble wrap. All arrived safely in about 23hrs.

He told me that he had nothing else ready to sell right now. I asked him to email me when he was ready to sell more. It wouldn't hurt to ask him now though.
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I just place mine where I think they would look the best.But you got to keep in mind that some corals can be super aggressive to.Make sure that you leave enough room between the agressives and plan for sweeper tenticles.
Thanks Rc,I remember that one of the mods here recommended him awhile ago.I have to keep him in mine when he's ready to sell more.

I like to keep zoos and mushrooms low on the rocks or on the sand bed.I save the highest parts for the more light intensive corals later on.I think it would be great to put some of the zoo frags close together and have a multi color garden going.You can place them just about anywhere were you think they look the best to you.Of course,keep them away from aggressive corals like Yote suggested.I would pick up some epoxy if you haven't already.A little small dab on the bottom will keep them in place without worries of snails and crabs knocking them over.I'm jealous....I want some!
Those yellow zoas on the right in the 3rd and 4th pics down... Those are the exact same yellow zoas that I bought this weekend! Aren't they super unique looking?

In my tank, I have all the zoas and mushrooms along the bottom. Since they don't need as much light. I have LPS in the middle of the tank, and my SPS at the top.
That giant snail that I put in my tank is a friggin' bulldozer! It crawled right up and over one of those zoa frags the other day. He got stung a couple times on the face and he backed off. But the zoas did eventually just retract and he ran right over the top of the colony. He's knocked some of the others off their perch too. Might be time to get rid of that snail.

I will probably put like colors together. Just let them run into each other and make one larger colony.

I've been feeding my brown button polyps and a pair of small yellow polyps. I feed them every other day. The brown ones have grown significantly in the last week. Simply amazing.

I'd be happy to frag these in 6 months, if you still want some. I know it's a long time to wait, but the offer is there if you can't get any out of that other guy in Florida.

I LOVE the little ones in the middle of the tank. Yellow on the outside and pumpkin orange in the middle with a purple dot. Ya should see them under actenics. :mrgreen:
How long do ya normally leave the rubberbands on the frags? I've had some of them for about a month. Do ya think they are attached yet?

All the new zoas are glued to individual frag rocks, so they aren't going anywhere.
Sounds like a good deal!Don't disappear on us like I've seen others do.I never see zoos that color locally.I say they should be attached by now.