Fastlight's 75gallon first saltwater tank

Yes these lights are homemade and are a no go. 300 is way to much for a metal halide homemade system that could be who knows how old and probably not the newer electronic ballast. Oh well i got excited 4 a min. something that is 2 good 2 be tru probably is.

hibye thats a great deal for those lights. but i think i have my heart set on the nova pro. I dont want my species limited in my reef just cause i went 2 cheap on some lights
Well its been a while since ive updated this page. My Nova pros showed up today. I got a 30 gallon aquarium for 25bucks and have built a sump. And i have a new laptop with wireless N!!! and the wireless is just as fast as if i were hard wired! But now im broke. I will get pictures up as soon as i get the drivers installed for the camera. i used acrilic for my seperating panes in my sump. When i was filling each compartment up for leaks i truley realalized how "strong" water is. The acrilic was bowing out from the pressure. I was pushing back on it to keep it straight. There couldnt have been much more than a couple gallons in that one appartment. I was impressed that the acrilic and silicon held. But it made me realize the pressure the glass must be under in my 75 gallon tank.
Also i have found a pretty decent lfs. the coral reef in toledo. she seemed very helpful and looks to be the store ill go to for fish and coral. Now i just need to order the stuff to drill my tank and get the plumbing done!
Water pressure is one thing that hardly ever crosses our minds.A gallon of salt water weights right at 9lbs,so multiply that by however many gallons you system holds.It adds up quick.
Glad to hear the toys came in too.
Well i am a little more than pissed off right now. I drilled my tank and it went very well. Almost to easy. Did it just like they said. After i was done i set the tank right side up and guess what it cracked. 4 stress fractures. I filled up the tank hopeing maybe somehow it looked worse than it did. Nope it leaks. Now im out a 75 gallon aquarium and not sure if id ever want to drill a tank again. It drives me nuts because the holes were perfect but i must of torqued it just enough to crack the tank when i went to set it back up. Any suggestions? I dont think there is any way to repair it. i am surprised thought because when i filled the tank the glass justdidnt blow out. Gosh darnet!!!
That really sucks man. Chalk it up to a learning experience and do it again. Get back on the horse that bucked you. Probably overtorqued the bulkheads I would guess. Remember only hand tight.
take it to a glass shop and they can cut you a new peice of glass than just cut the silicone and re silicone the new peice in the frames will come off the tank fith a little force they are siliconed on the tank that would be cheaper than getting a new tank. the glass shop may be able to do it all for you.
That really sux.But like james said,Have a glass shop cut you another piece of glass and silicone it in place.You might even have them use their drill press to re-do the holes.

The reef club was drilling a tank for one of the members a while back(Biff should remember,she was there).The hole was drilled,the tape was peeled off and everybody was standing around talking when we heard a "POP".The glass cracked for some unexplaned reason.
This dude had a water hose running over the bit,not to mention it was in the mid 40s that day and it was drill in the front yard.So I dont think heat had anything to do with his tank cracking.
I even had water on mine. And the bit never got hot. I got to thinking i did put the bulkhead on the tank after the first hole to check hole size and make sure i had proper placement. I then drilled the other to holes and set the tank upright. The first hole is the only hole that didnt break. So my guess is the bulkhead may have kept that part from torquing. ?? Not sure. I guess im gonna call around and c what i can do. I was so excited. I was like this is awesome after i cut the holes...then it went south.
This hobby is just like any other hobby.Its great family fun,but it can also drive you crazy.Gotta take the bad right along with the good.
This dude had a water hose running over the bit,not to mention it was in the mid 40s that day and it was drill in the front yard.So I dont think heat had anything to do with his tank cracking.

I remember that. Mid-40's in the middle of May! What weird weather.
I get the hole good with the bad but thats money otta my pocket. And then even worse everyone sayed i should just do an overflow(the family) but i assured em that this drilling thing was common. well here are some pics.




Did you fill the tank completely on the concrete? I am just wondering if the concrete was un even at all it could have caused stress on the tank. Or did that happen when drilling? That really sucks though.