Fastlight's 75gallon first saltwater tank

the tank looks good..i like the aquascaping you have going on. i really like to do it cuz its like fitting stuff like a puzzle. only downside is my arms are so short and the tank is so im excited for more pics!
Pictures as promised!
First my 8 t-8 lamps. Im half tempted to get 2 150w mh ballast and call it good. It would save me a ton. We will see if i cant get some from work :Cheers:

My green mushroom. This picture is before i moved both. They r now more towards the shade and out of flow. They only opened up to about the size of dimes and at the lfs they were the size of quarters. This pic doesnt do the color justice

Purple mushroom

The red firefish havent named them yet but are getting along nicely so far.

A good shot of some action in the tank

Fts and if you dont believe me how much these wimpy bites make a diff look at the fts on the previos page!:mrgreen::helm2:
Looks good Fastlight.
If you can save money by getting ballast from work,jump on it.This hobby is expensive enough.Save money where ya can.
Thank you for all the kind words. I only hope i can continue making her look pretty but IM ABOUT TO WAGE WAR! Since i have added the lights hair algae is starting on the glass like mad! And today after my water change I am see what looks like either diatoms or cyno. on the sand bed!! Here comes the Ugly stage ive heard mentioned!!! I know 3 things i have to do to help the problem. 1. cut my nice new lights down from about 12hrs in the day to maybe 3 or 4 till algae goes away. 2. is to get my rodi(yes i know but i wanted fish so bad :) and I also need to get more water movement by getting my k4's. 3. Is get some macro algae.
The thing is xmas is coming up and I have agreed to slow down on the spending till after xmas:frustrat: So until i can afford the rodi and the k4's what can I do? The hair algae can scrape off the glass but that doesnt get rid of it. The stuff on the sand is what im most unsure of. I believe it is Diatoms because of what I saw on RyanG pic when he had it(yet mine are not near as bad... yet)If its cyno i dont know what to do at all.
So any suggestions? I really dont want an ugly stage:grumble: My coraline is already starting to pop back out and figures so does the bad algae. I need some sand stirers
Coming along great! Love the fire fishies. I think that's going to be one of my first.
Think i should get a pair for my widdle 46g or just get one and save the room for a different kind of fish?
Depends on how many fish you want to get. I really dont plan on alot of fish but more coral. I love the pair and they are fun to watch. They have drawn out my royal gramma and clownfish from hiding. A pair would definately add excitement to your tank.
check into getting some GFO I to am having a hair alage problem since i switched tanks and just started to run some GFO in a phosphate reactor it will help but you need to get in there and remove as much of it as you can.
Rowa-phos and phos-ban are both GFOs(I think).That'll help slow it down,but theres no avoiding it.Its gonna happen.Its got to happen for your tank to mature.
Pick,pull,siphon,and pluck out as much algae as possible with every water change.And before long,you'll look at the tank,and it'll be algae free.
Nusiance algae, diatoms, cyano all need 3 things to live. Water, light and food. Take away any 1 and it dies.
We can't remove the water, so light and food. If you want coral, you need the light. That leaves food....nitrates, phosphates, silicates. By using tap water, you are adding food everytime you add water. You can run GFO (yes yote, Rowaphos and Phosban are GFO, just more expensive than the GFO from BRS), but it will be costly. GFO isn't cheap and you would need to replace it at least every 2 weeks if not sooner. Your best bet, and cheapest in the long run is an RO/DI unit.
Like everyone said, just yank as much out as you can and stick with a good mantainence schedule.
could get twin spot gobies they are cheap in price nice small sand sifters help keep sand clean, foxface lo's are smaller rabbitfish i have one in both my tanks and will mow down most nuisance algaes that other fish won't. They also love hair algae.
tanks lookin good, don't worry algae phase will pass takes time and patience and is hard to not pull your hair out dealing with it.