Farting around with new macro setting


I don't work for anybody
OK, so the setting is not new, I was just to retarded to figure it out myself. Now then, tell me what you think?





-Dr Marco :sfish:
yeah, the glass is a bit dirty in the clown pic. Gotta love when they swim around in the anemone, though. The camera is an olympus, 10 megapixil. I have no idea how to use it, but I am learning. I think it has potential to take cool pics of the new 90 and revamped 125.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Nice pics Doc!

I have a similar camera(Olympus 8mp)...it does take sometime to figure out the color balance.

Is that a yuma?
no, it is a Florida ricordia. It is pretty big still for being a Florida, about the size of a half dollar. I have an orange one as well. I am putting both into my 90 when I move next week. I am hoping they drop babies and make little colonies!!! :^:

-Dr Marco :sfish:
How do yo tell the difference between a Ricordea florida and a Ricordea yuma?

I thought but am not 100% sure is that florida has more of a uniform tentacles or bumps and yumas has more different size bumps..Heck,I would go ahead and lie since yumas cost an arm,leg and a first born!
I am under the impression that the Yuma is MUCH larger, hence so much more expensive. The Florida seem to get passed off as Yuma in fish stores who are just trying to make a buck. I believe they are almost identical in shape. Guess you have got to buy it and try it. Unless you like the idea that they are Yuma, then I will go with your idea, I like that idea better anyway.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
yup. fish are all clean, no ICH in my tank right now. Dirty glass, yes.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Nice pics Doc!

I have a similar camera(Olympus 8mp)...it does take sometime to figure out the color balance.

Is that a yuma?

Try playing around with the different automatic settings (typically they have settings for various lighting situations - some will even let you input what 10k or 14k lights) That will make the pictures look much richer!