Farewell Jack. (my vlamingi)

Wendy, I though that Vlamingi's were alright together? Even in an 850gallon they wouldn't cohabitate?

50 50 shot, tangs are territorial. especially with the same kind. Unless one is male and one is female, I'm not sure that I want to risk it. My ming is still to young to tell if he's a she.... I guess we will see what happens in a 1year or so.
Just about a year and a half now. He went through some tuff times, I had a temp issue in my tank and lost everything except him, he was covered in ich and had pop eye. We became buddies, Ming would lean into the glass and let me rub the ich off of him. to this day Ming won't eat until I have pet him. :D
Oh, Alexander, I'm so sorry Jack will be leaving you! It sounds like he's going to a good home and that this is the best for him. I know he had a special place in your heart and he will remember his days with you fondly.
