F/S 24" Coralife Aqualight Pro Metal Halide Retrofit


Reefing newb
Its been used for 1yr and 5 months
I'll throw in the bulbs , but might need replacement .
all is working and no problems .
in Mint Cond.
Asking 150.00

One 150 Watt 10K HQI metal halide lamp

Two 65 Watt 03 Actinic compact fluorescent lamps

Two 470nm Blue Moon Glow LEDs Dimensions: 23" X 15" X 3" without mounting legs Remote ballasts

Lens cover One large 67 CFM 34.5 dB cooling fan w/ a 12-foot lamp cord and 6 foot power cord (must be installed in the canopy)

Highly polished reflector Three on/off switches (one for the compact fluorescent bulb, one for the metal halide bulbs, and one for the lunar lights)

Some Pic's


just wondering if this is still up for sale, id be willing to drive up and get it if its still around, thanks
Janey, I'm interested in your corelife retrofit. Call me so we can work out details. Thanks Paco. 786-229-2358.
If light is still available I'd like to buy it. Never bought anything via this web site. How should we proceed? Thanks Paco.
Hi Paco..
well I rather get money order or personal check. $153. for everything with shipping.
Janey, i live 20 minutes away and really need that light. I can come up with cash whenever you would like. My cell is 610-762-4990. Thanks and Im hoping its still available