Everything Seems To Be Settled


Tiny Tank Club A+ Member
Well It Is Now June 18th, My Tank Has Been Running For About 2 Months Now And I Had My Ups And Downs. But Now Everything Seems To Be Settled. I Do Have Brown Algea But That Seems To Be Changing. By Changing I Mean That My Clown Fish Seems To Be Pushing It Around. Oh, The Clown Fish Is Doing Very Well, He Loves Eating Again. Frozen And Flake And Brine Shrimp. So I Did Get Very Lucky With Him. I Really Did Think I Was Going To Lose Him For A Little Bit. I'm Still Going To Add A Sump And Some True Live Rock But For Now I'm Going To Start Planning Additions To My Tank. I'm Thinking Maybe 3 Green Chromis Along With 3 Red-hermits And 5 Snails. I Will Post Some Photos Of The Tank Soon.
Will Do , So Far All My Water Tests Have Been Right On !! I Have A Feeder Cone In The Tank So That If He Doesnt Eat Everything, I Just Remove It.. It Actually Works Pretty Well. This Way I Dont Have All Uneating Food Laying On The Bottom Or Getting Into My Filter.
Well, It Seems That Everytime I Talk About My Tank Things Start Happening...... Today I Woke Up To See A 35 Gallon Cloud. Thats Right The Whole Tank Is Clouded. All The Brown Algea Is Gone ?????? Mator Seems To Be Fine, Still Eating Swimming But I Most Likely Just Jinx That Too ....(lol) Any Ideas Why This Would Happen ???
sorry to hear that ray..check parameters...do a 20-30 water change..clean filters..add carbon..i remember you said you had chemi pure, rinse it well and put it back ...check if theres somthing dead.. foul odor...to know if theres bacteria..take a hershea kisses ( chocolate) put it in a plastic cup ..drop some water from your tank in it ..put in a cool place not so hot not so cold...but were noone can reach it or near food..if in 2 days aprox. there some white stuff like little bubbles..foamy, is bacteria..
I'll Check My Water And Do A Test.. Nothing Dead I Just Have A Tomatoe Clown In There Right Now.....you Know I Did Clean My Filter Media, Maybe There Is Another Bloom But I Didnt Touch My Bio-wheel.
Well . I Thought I Had Everything Under Control. But Some How It Seem To Get Away From My Grasp. The First Thing I Think I Did Wrong Was Rinse My Filter Media On The Emperor 280. Should I Just Leave That In From Now On Or Change It Every Month ? I Thought You Would Change It Becuase All The Good Bacteria Would Be On The Bio Wheel.
Some How My Parameters Are All Out. Ammonia = 0.25 Nitrite = Between 0.25-0.50 (bad Bad Bad) Water Change Needed!!!! Nitrate = 20 Ph = 8.4 Gravity = 1.022 Salinity = 30. THE ONLY THING I COULD THINK WENT WRONG IS RINSING THE FILTER MEDIA !!!!
Rinsing the filter media MAY have cleaned off enough bacteria to cause an ammonia spike, but that's unlikely unless you don't have enough bacteria elsewhere in your tank. Do you have enough live rock and sand? I think some more probable possiblities are that something died or you've been overfeeding.
i agree with biff, your rock was cured , cause your parameters were ok, if i recall from other threads..i dont think that cleaning the filter media causes the alterations on your parameters, do the water change, check again..
I Only Have 10 Lbs Of Live Rock And 20 Lbs Of Base Rock. No Live Rock At All Yet. The Last Time This Happened Was Right Before I Changed From The Whisper To The Emperor Filter. Nothing Died Because I Only Have The One Clown Fish. I Only Feed A Pinch 3 Times A Day And I Put It In A Feeder Cone So That If He Doesnt Eat I Can Remove It.
For the time your tank been running,your base rock should be seeded somewhat.I would change the media more often,maybe twice a month,so it would become less of a biological filter and cut back on feeding for the time being.
So, I Should Only Feed My Fish Once A Day Or Every Other Day ???? I Thought You Shoyuld Feed More Then That Just A Little At A Time??
My Tank Had Brown Algea All Over The Place, Everywhere !!! I Would Clean The Glass Thats It.... Then It Just Started Disappearing.. I Figured When It Started To Disappear, That Was The Reason The Tank Started To Cloud Up. So Thats When I Rinsed The Filter. So I Will Feed Less And Change The Filter More.... I Took The Chemi-pure Bag Out Also Because I Thought That It Also Might Be Too Old, I Didnt Realize That It Could Be Rinced Also, So I Will Add Another Soon, That Really Helped The First Time.... I Keep Everyone Posted !!! Thanks For The Help Everyone !!
chemy pure pouch can be used for 3 months.. just rinse it every 2 weeks..to get away detritus and biological waste..good luck ray..i hope everyting resolves ok..
The Tank Is Almost Cleared Again.......i Replaced The Filter And Replaced The Chemi-pure. The Fish Is Doing Ok... Still Eating And Everything.. That Was Bizzare.... What Would Cause All The Brown Algea Just To Start Dissapearing ????? I Thought The Fish Was Either Eating It Or Pushing It Around With His Fins. I'm Telling You I Havent Done Anything Different Since I Added The First Batch Of Chemi-pure. I Add Top Off Water,feed And Was Clean The Glass Because The Brown Algea Was Getting Crazy. Well Move On I Will And See How Things Go.. I Does Make Me Nervous Though About Adding Tank Mates.