Epaulette shark


Reef enthusiast
FAMILY - Orectolobidae

SCIENTIFIC NAME - Hemiscyllium Ocellatum

COMMON NAME - Epauletter Shark

SIZE - 42.1" (107 cm)

RANGE - Western Pacific

MIN. AQUARIUM SIZE - 180 US Gal. (681 L)

FOODS AND FEEDING - Varied diet of marine meaty foods, fresh shrimp, scallop, marine fish flesh, known to fast for weeks at a time before it starts to eat, feed to satiation 3 times a week.


REEF COMPATIBILITY - Will eat ornamental crustaceans and small fishes.

CAPTIVE CARE - One of the best sharks for home aquariums, readily acclimates to captivity, keep only one per tank, males may act aggressively towards consexuals as well as towards male sharks of other species, males will harass females. Provide a stable cave or ledge, a very effective digger so landscape accordingly, can bite if provoked.

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