Emerald Crab Being An A**hole


so i bought an enemrald grab yesterday( big red one) and hes pinching at my clown fish. this is making me very mad scnce i bought the nicest clown fish i could find. he also pinches at my cardinal. r they supose to be like that. can he possibly kill any of my fish. if he can or does, im taking him out. (emerald crab beat down) literaly. i dont want my beautiful clown fish to die, or my beutiful cardinal.
Emerald crabs can come in all sorts of colors. I've seen blue, green, black, white and red. And yes, once they reach sexual maturity, they can become predatorial on fish.
oh, thats great, the guy sold me the biggest one they have, i ckecked online and the adult size is 2''. well mine is around 2 inch. i have alredy seen him almost get my clown fish today. i guess ill have to get rid of him bfore he kills any thing.
its not gona be a prob, he always sits up on LR in the open, the hard part is going to be pulling him off the rock.
I just got a clean-up crew w/ 3 emeralds, and I got home last night to an emerald eating the leg of my serpant strarfish. Not too happy about that.
goood news, i gave my crab away.

i saw him 3 nights ago running around with his claws out trying to get my cardinal.