dying cheato???


Reefing newb
My cheato seems to be fading away. Any thing that would cause this? Changes since it has stop growing, No fish in tank but I have been feeding my sally crab and add a uv filter to the system. Also I needed to move it around when I add uv can moving cheato in the fug hurt it. I though I read some people "stir" it up everyonce and a while. Light is on 24/7 23wat CFL.
Don't worry Biff and for all others with the amazing cheato Biff has and has given to others. THIS WAS NOT BIFF'S CHEATO!!!! Okay, I will be adding fish in a few days. Hopefully this works.
Why run a UV with no fish?What is happening to the chaeto?
uv because I had ich or some other sickness and I QT all fish and kept DT empty for 8 weeks. Cheato looks like it is "melting" loosing its thickness and turning brown and breaking off.
I think the chaeto is basically just starving to death. Since your system will be fishless for 8 weeks, I have a proposition for you. Throw away the slimy, dying non-Biff's Chaeto, and when you are ready to go with fish again, just send me a PM and I will send you some of Biff's Chaeto AT NO CHARGE!! That's right, you heard me. For the low, low payment of 0 dollars and 0 cents, you too could enjoy having Biff's Chaeto in your fuge.

But wait, there's more!

...No there isn't. I just wanted to say that.
Sorry I guess I should of thank you guys for agreeing with Biff. Thanks Yote Thanks DC Thanks Yote I dont want any one to feel left out.:mrgreen:
And as an added bonus I will also click on the button so it is offical thanks. I hope there are no hurt feelings.:mrgreen:

BTW, hey Biff thanks again for all the help and the offer of cheato.:bounce:
Hey DC can you explain the whole flying monkey thing to me, I am new here and don't get it. However it does make me laugh. I might even throw another thanks your way.:mrgreen:
that goes back a few years. I guess being a flying monkey would not be that bad but a sucba diving monkey would be better. And yes I will send you your thanks as promised. I know they are not as good as Biff's cheato but that is all I have to give for now.