Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

after the water cleared up a bit, I took a few shots of the inhabitants:




The clowns came out of the 125 easily, but the Regal Tang gave me some trouble. She freaked out!!! She bashed herself around the rocks many times when I was trying to net her and ended up bruising herself badly. You can see it a bit from the pics. I was worried she would not survive the night, but she did. I will try some food today, I hope she is in an eating mood.

I BTAs are moving around the tank, looking for a new home. That kinda pisses me off, since I placed them in the front of the tank so they would be pretty and seen eaily with the clowns hosting in them. oh, well. So here is the last pic of the one day move. I will put some more on to show you the rock work and new additions when I get the internet back for real.


Hope you liked the one day move pics. It was a long 6 hours. I am not looking forward to the move tomorrow of the 125. Grrrrr, my back hasn't healed from the wood floor of the 90 gallon move. This may very well kill me.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

if I'm not mistaking your only other option is comcast? and that's no better really. hey I could hook you up with a wireless card through verizonwireless :)
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Looks good! I really like your new aquascaping, I like how it slants. I would be really surprised if you lost any corals from the temperature being 72 degrees. 72 is just fine for corals.

I couldn't help but notice that marvelous Dyson in the background of your pictures... Up until two weeks ago, I had an amazing purple Dyson Animal. Sigh. Then Neal took it. And he doesn't even have any of the animals! Oh, the irony!

PS -- your BTA rock is awesome.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

my wife loves the Dyson. it was a gift for something or other a little while back. I like giving her gifts at random times, it keeps things fresh - same with flowers. My first wife didn't appreciate the little things like that. This one sure does!!!! :bounce:. Anyway, the tanks looks really good and I might be able to post a pic sometime if I ever get done moving.

I tried comcast, but they are not in my area....yet, it is still under development and they are not out this far...yet.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

tank looks like your off to a wonderful start for six hours of work. i noticed the classic salt lines as you could tell the increments of water you gradually added to the tank. ive set up too many tanks lately.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Looks great Doc.
Of course we all knew it would.

Is that a set of Novas you got lighting that tank?
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

SOOOOO, I moved my 125 yesterday, and I am pretty sure I pulled something. During the move, my Koran gave himself a pretty big gash on one side. I hope he pulls through. He is still eating, but it doesn't look good. I hope he can heal himself.

I shot a few new pics of the 90, but diatoms have started to grow. I guess that is normal for a new tank, and they should be gone in a week or two. At least there is no cyano!!!

Enjoy the pics







-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Beautiful Doc,just beautiful!

It looks so good,besides not having any coralline on the glass,it looks like a mature system.Pat yourself on the back and pull out the Ben-Gay.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Ooooh you just wait! The cyano is coming next! I can feel it in mah bones! It's not like I'm going to let you get by that easily!
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

wow..dr really have that "touch" for salt aquariums...awesome!!..i wish my frog gets as big as your hammer..water looks so clear..and all corals are so healthy!!
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Biff, I resemble your cyano remark!!! I hope you are wrong.

-Dr Marco :sfish: