Do I need anything else?


Live Rock Fish only
All i have is a 50 g shadow box aquarium with a heater and a protein skimmer thats all i have. Do i need any pumps or anything.

Thanks let me know what yo think!!
It really depends on what you want to keep in the tank.

Current Aquarium(s) Description: Shadow Box 50G Showpiece Aquaruim Live Rock Fish Only

If this is correct then I would have a flow per hour of around 20x your tank volume so the live rock can function properly (How much LR do you have?), with this you could also add softies later if you have sufficient light. For lighting, if you are not keeping corals, you could probably get away with T8s however, I would go for T5s as this would allow you to keep corals should you want them in future.

You will also need an array of test kits to check your water. The essential starter ones are ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. You may also want phosphate and if you decide to keep corals I would recommend alkilinity, magnesium and calcium tests. You will need something to monitor temperature (thermometer) and salinity (refractometer) of the water. Do you have a RO unit for your water? This is also pretty essential in my opinion.