Dead Shrimp and Emerald Crab...

What's your feeding schedule. You may be getting nitrates from over feeding. Your nitrates are too high, especially for the shrimp. I would do a larger water change if you can.

What's left in the tank?
HAve you by any chance heard any clicking coming from the tank?

No. No clicking. I inspected my LR really well before I put it in. And the tank is in my bedroom, so I'm pretty sure I would have heard some clicking by now...

As for my feeding schedule, I feed Omega One Freeze Dried mysis or brine shrimp around 5:00pm each day. At 5pm, I only put 3 "servings" (each the size of a sewing pin head) in the aquarium because I only had 1 goby, 4 shrimp, the emerald crab, and then miscellaneous snails and hermit crabs.

I'm going to check my nitrates again today, and probably do another 10% water change just to get them down.