dcantucson's Zero Edge

Well everyone has been very patient with my lack of pictures. We my recent purchase of the new camera I will be posting some pictures soon. Still getting the "hang of it" as these DSLR cameras are soooo different than my point and shoots!
Resurrected a dead thread to make a comment about the imaginary camera to take pics of imaginary fish and tanks....wth...lol

Dcan, you are EPIC WIN!
I'm imaginarily impressed!! Where can I get one of those? :D

At least your thread is probably the most eagerly anticipated ;)
I imagine its a lot like sleeping with David, a lot of build up for 3 seconds of lackluster excitement :shock:

:lol:...j/k, David's imaginary girlfriend told me that he is an excellent lover :faint:
Oh sure....I get my first fish and get reminded about the picture "rules" and here I find out if I had just gotten an imaginary fish I'd be OK!! LOL

Awesome tank by the way. :)