dcantucson's Zero Edge

Hey! I was busy LOOKING FOR NONEXISTENT PICS, not reading posts! lol With all that waiting, you'd think we'd get pics of everything on this beast, not just a few :P
...just trying to fill you in on the inside joke :mrgreen: ...I think the joke of David living in a Bomb Shelter has come up from time to time :lol:...just recently by Biff in the "How nuts does your misses..."

With that, I agree...More Photos! :bounce:
David, you should borrow my camera sometime! It takes pretty good pics and is super easy to use. I have learned how to tweak all the manual settings to get good tank pictures out of it. I could come over and take pictures of your tank for you!! (And then you'd have to meet me!!) :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hmmm.... maybe I should have gotten a zero edge afterall. :scratchch

It makes the womenz offer to come to your house! :bowdown: :bounce: >|<