As promised:
and I may some help identifying the actual names of these.
Mushrooms, Zooz, LPS, Duncan (Got a steal) and a Branching Hammer.
All water levels holding steady, and eveything is eating and growing like mad.
Please forgive my photos. Im not yet able to buy an SLR, so Im using my Cannon Poweshot 630 in Manual / Macro mode playing with all kinds of settings. some look decent, some look awful.
Some "not so hot" Shots of the Duncan... got a KILLER deal on this guy... 13 Heads for $30
Not sure what these are called but WOW this shot turned out nice. I would like to enter it into POTM, but not sure how. I have a Full res version that is breathtaking. i *THINK* these are either "Green eyed Ladies" or "Eyelash Polys"
One with Blue Background Dropped.... May be against the rules, but just wated to see what it looked like.
Some Beautiful Maroon Shrooms with Green Glowing highlights
This is another that I really cant get a clear name on. I have been looking but maybe you guys can help me. Hardy as hell so far and BEAUITFUL and full of small bristle stars
And Again, here is my Insane Plate. Check out the green striping. This guy is a HOG!!!
And finally, a small colony (mixed) of what I was told ae called "Supermans" (Red & Blue) and Cat Eyes (Violet & white eyes). Any correction on the propper name would be appreciated.