Dana's Magical Shrimp Stew


Certified Master Stylist
I'm placing allllll blame on him of course :mrgreen: we have a freezer full of shrimp that we netted and caught last fall. I was telling him how I needed to get some mysis, brine shrimp, etc for those that like a little meat in their diets. We get home and he pulls out a couple of shrimp, fresh saltwater, microvert and tossed it in the blender. :eek: so I put some in the tank. The crowd went wild!!! Snails converged and ate, the peppermints came out and the serpent stars legs came poking out of 4 different spaces in the aquascape waving and sweeping poor Chalupa off his rock :mad: so then Chalupa was in a pout and wouldn't eat. So sounds great, right? WRONG. :grumble:
The ammonia was wayyyyy up this morning. I'm going to do a water change and clean the chaeto this morning after I go get some more instant ocean. Maybe we overfed last night? Everybody is all accounted for so it wasn't a dead somebody!!!
It wasn't the food that was bad -- lots of people make their own fish/coral food from grocery store seafood. If your shrimp is unseasoned and safe for human consumption, it's fine to feed the tank. It sounds like you just fed too much. At least everyone is okay! Your levels should go back down. With what you have in the tank, they don't need that much to eat.
It wasn't the food that was bad -- lots of people make their own fish/coral food from grocery store seafood. If your shrimp is unseasoned and safe for human consumption, it's fine to feed the tank. It sounds like you just fed too much. At least everyone is okay! Your levels should go back down. With what you have in the tank, they don't need that much to eat.
The shrimp was fresh frozen as soon as we docked the boat so no seasonings! I'd have really killed him!! I probably did overfeed, enjoying the show. Wish I could check the well being of the star but he is snugged up in a nice hiding spot. Oh well as long as I see legs waving around when I lift the lid, I'll assume all is well with him.
+1 biff. I make my own fish food all the time. Used it for months without a problem. But feeding to much can definitely cause a spike in a small tank.