Cycling Algae


Reefing newb
Hello everyone,

Good progress on the cycling front. My Ammounia is testing at zero and my Nitrite's are coming down, now at about 2 ppm. I thought I had cynobacteria growing, but after some more research it looks like I was mistaken and its a brown algae bloom.

First Obligatory full tank pic:


The brown algae is growing long strands across the rock and the sand, and there a many little microbubbles attached to it:


Is it time to invest in a couple crabs and snails to clean up? Or will resolve itself as the cycle completes? There is some green algae just starting to grow as well.

Finally, there seems to be a small plant growing on one my rocks, its black from the top and green from the bottom. What is it?


Thanks as always :-)
Wait until both ammonia and nitrite is at zero before adding any cleanup crews.Astreas,trochus and ceriths will take care of the diatoms,maybe 15-20 total.It is coming along nicely,congrats.
+1 reef....nice job :D Try experimenting with pointing the powerhead down a little -- enough to move the sand's surface w/o actually blowing sand around.
Reeffreak is right, don't add anything until the cycle is complete. I can't quite see the black/green thing you mentioned. Do you have a better pic of it?
So is there anything I need to do about the Algae? Or just let the CUC handle it once the nitrites drop the rest of the way?

I pulled out a different lens for some clearer shots of the plant:

I actually have two different size powerheads, a 650 and a 245. First, is that ok, and second which one should I adjust downwards? They are pointed upwards to help with gase exchange?
Looks like you can just pull that piece of algae off with your fingers. That's what I'd do.

What brand powerheads are they? Two powerheads in a 30 sounds fine. Pointed upwards so that they are creating a ripple on the surface of the water is okay too.
Its just algae? Sad.. :-) Anyway, they are Koralia Nanos a 425 and a 240 (I forgot I had returned the 650 when I learned about not wanting laminar flow.)
I'd think you may want a bit more flow than 2 nanos, I've got 1 in my 40g and I can barely tell its on, something like a K3 might spruce things up a bit. I have a k3 and will probably add 1 more soon. I noticed the brown stuff going away quickly once I increased flow a little bit.
Really? The two nano's give me a labled flow of 665 gph not including the protein skimmer, so I'm turning the tank 22x per hour. Can I go higher without making the current too strong for any soft coral I add down the road?
As long as the sand is staying on the bottom,you dont have to much flow.
Think about how strong the currents on the wild reefs are.Not to mention the beating the wave crests give corals at the top of the reefs.