CUC Alternative?

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Rc's got a point. Take the hermit out and put him in a 10 gallon tank on his own. Why build your main tank around him?
I'm not building my main tank AROUND him, I'm merely adjusting it with him in mind...he doesn't bother the fish, so I don't see it as a problem to leave him in there. My whole point is that people have tanks with eels, sharks, puffers, and all kinds of other predatory animals...what do they use for CUC? If you don't know, don't tell me to get rid of my crab because I've already said, I'm not going to. If I just have to spend $30 in turbos every 2 months, fine, whatever, I'm trying to find out if there is an alternative. If I merely get rid of him, that's quitting, and I don't appreciate the way that RC was trying to talk down to me; DC, I know you're trying to be funny and's just not the direction I'm going; I guess I'll just figure things out on my own: trial and error.
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