Crazymman's 55 Gal Build


Reefing newb
So since I'm redoing basically my whole tank, I figured I should start a tank build thread. Just got back from picking up 53 pounds of fiji at 2 dollars a pound off of CL!!!
Also went to my LFS today and got 2 Geissman bulbs. One aquablue plus and one Acitinic plus. Since there 35 bucks a pop I'll have to wait on the other 2 til next payday. Lots of pics soon to come.
I've got a question already. Since I'm redoing all my scape and adding some more substrate should I take out my fish and put them in a holding tank til I am done?
Ok, the rock should be cured. She said it was in her tank for 3 years I believe and she had it in a big tub with heaters and power heads. I'll be sure to keep an eye on my levels and do water changes as needed though.
Well, just finished getting all the rock in. Had about 3 or 4 pounds left that i just couldnt find a spot for. Did a water test and my nitrates are at 20ppm so I'll be doing a big water change tomorrow. To tired to post pics tonight so I'll post them tomorrow. There is what seems to be quite a bit of dead hair algae on the rocks. Could this cause a problem? Theres also a few spounges that look dead to me as well. She didnt have any lights on the rock. Could this be why that stuff died?
How come you are starting over?

The dead sponges and hair algae can add nutrients to the water.Having no lights wouldn't of kill the sponges but will kill the algae.

Good luck!
Was aslo gonna get a 6 line wrasse. Had him bagged up and ready to go when I saw what appeared to be possible Ich spots on him. So I didnt get him, I really wanted it too.


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