
Found a guy about 7 miles from me selling his LR from his 5 year old tank. 2.50 a pound. I'm going to go look at it and prolly pick up 10lbs if its good.:Cheers:
Nice. That's a nice price if it's good rock, just keep any eye out for Aipatasia and Algae, Bubble Algae.
Yes, indeed i will. I do have one very small Aipatasia on one of my LR but i planed on gettin a few pep shrimp to kill em. Bubble and hair algae is my biggest concern and wont touch his LR if it has it.
I've bought some with pieces of bubble algae on it before. I just knocked it off before I put it in my tank and I've never had a problem. But I definitely understand your concern.
Woohoo, he just called me, going to go meet him now. He was tring to sell me all of his stuff. He has a lawnmower blenny but when i get back =)
Had to rearrange my rocks so tank is a lil dirty....waiting for the cloudyness to go away to take pix. He game le like 15lbs for 25 bucks. It was only 3 rocks however. It surely did fill out my tank alot tho.