Couple questions.. 46 gal fish selection

Tyler A

Reefing newb
well, I've got my tank coming togather, slowly, but its getting there. I was planning on doing a reef tank, but i really like lion fish,puffers, and groupers. Not to mention i dont have a light yet, so it would keep costs down doing a predator tank.. Display tank is a 46gal bowfront, has a 20 gallon sump with fuge,skimmer, and will have a alge scrubber.. With this tank size, what predatror fish would be ok, i know its small.. also do your guys think id be better off doing a reef tank with the size of this tank?
Welcome to the site mate!! As for your questions i cant answer them, but when i go diving, the Groupers i see are as big as me...... so, i dont know about having one in your tank, but thats just maybe wild ones??
Somebody will chip in!!! :D
Lionfish, the smallest of them, need a minimum of 50 gallons, majority of puffers are the same (the exceptions are the Saddle Valentini Puffer and the Leopard Puffer), and I'm pretty sure groupers also need the larger tanks.
Actually the fuzzy dwarf lion would do just find in there, but i think all the puffers need a 50+ tank, and the groupers get monsterously big and mean, and need 100+.

Look into the snowflake eel, anglers, leaf fish, dwarf angels, some non-reef safe wrasses for your tank. Just besure that noone is going to eat each other. Another thing to keep in mind is that predators are very messy fish and can mess up your water quality really quick.
ok.. so, if i cant do a puffer, or a grouper.. I think I'll just do a reef tank, with that being said, would the fuzzy dwarf lion be ok?? i'm told that eat anything they can fit in there mouth, but i'm not sure about the size of the dwarf..
ok.. so, if i cant do a puffer, or a grouper.. I think I'll just do a reef tank, with that being said, would the fuzzy dwarf lion be ok?? i'm told that eat anything they can fit in there mouth, but i'm not sure about the size of the dwarf..

Not sure about that but they should accept live fish/shrimp for eating.
No, you should buy a dwarf that is eating frozen, but they may eat any ornamental shrimps and crabs you have.

They will eat anything that will fit in their mouth so try and get fish that are larger than the dwarf you buy. They are a pretty hardy docile fish so you can add them first to the tank and then get fish larger than they are.

But with a 46 gal you are going to be pretty limited in the fish that will be big enough. Just plan and buy smart and you can do it. Remember that they are pretty messy and you should count them as 2 fish.