could my BTA be nocturnal?

Try soaking some clam strips in garlic.You might even try feeding it a fresh damsel.I had to do that with my BTA for a while when I first got it.
Buy it,and just feed it to the BTA.Just hold the damsel with a pair of feeding tongs and stick it right at the anemones mouth.You dont have to kill damsel first.The sting from the BTA will do that.
If the BTA dont accept the damsel,just drop the damsel in your QT and try again the next day.
wouldnt the struggle of the damcel be to much for the mouth of the BTA to handle

ive read that the mouth of nems are extremely fragle and if damaged could even kill the nem ?
the color isnt as white as the pic makes it seem its still green not AS green as it used to be but neverthe less still green

id be more incline in admiting it was dying if it stayed closed all the time day and night not just day
I'd still give it another day or 2.And try something different with feeding it.
It will die,if you cant find something it will eat.But if it starts eatting,it can be saved.
It aint easy to turn a bleached anemone around.But it can be done.
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