

Nano Reefer
So I only have 1 LFS within two hours of me and his coral tanks don't look very good and are very overpriced. I was just there yesterday and there was a lot of aptaisia in the tank where he keeps his mushrooms and zoanthids.

My question is, does anyone ever order any corals offline? Is this a good idea? What are good sites for this?
There is a HUGE reefing community in the St. Louis area. Look for the SLASH aquarium or reefkeepers club. I think we have some members here.
Gotcha, I would still check out that club. If its anything like my club there will be a bunch of outlying members in your area. Maybe not next door but closer than the city.
I'm not sure if you are going to save much but I used all the sites Dustin listed.All with good results.Check the weather at your location and the vendor.You don't want to make an order the day before an ice or snow storm.
I've ordered online and had good success. I did order some mangrove plants that arrived like frozen asparagus but other than that my orderes have all been packed well and included hand warmers to keep everyone alive and well. My favorite coral order came from GARF. I was nervous about what I was going to get because it's kind of a "grab bag" ordering system but everything I got is growing like crazy! Start with some GSP, Riccordia or mushrooms. They're easy. If you get GSP make sure it is on a self contained rock and don't let it get on your main rock stack because it grows like a weed and is difficult to remove from LR once it grabs hold. One thing I've done the past few weeks is to get a bunch of that sea weed stuff the tangs like to eat. I don't have any tangs but my crabs and snails are having a blast. I've got tons of tiny baby snails and my tank seems to be cleaner. In any case, it grows easily and adds a bit of green to my otherwise mostly brown tank. It's cheap and if it dies it's not really an animal like the corals are. Good luck!
