Coralline Algae


Replace the warped parts of my tank stand (JBJ... POS) I had to take some water out to move tank off it. So now for the question I guess the Coralline which was above the water line which is now white guess it died will the new grow over it and will it do any harm. live stock and corals are ok and a 10 gallon water change is good
How is the arm coming that rehab is going to be a bit** but do what they say and don't rush it. And don't over do it better to suffer once then twice trust me.

I can shore tell its been worked on.Buts not as bad this morning as it has been.Of course that'll change after while.I got my furst rehad appointment today and I'm NOT looking forward to it.
I can shore tell its been worked on.Buts not as bad this morning as it has been.Of course that'll change after while.I got my furst rehad appointment today and I'm NOT looking forward to it.

Thats cuz Jane keeps pumping you full of morphine:mrgreen: