
That was me back when I was a turbo, back in the glory days, what a great time. Was gonna make an obscure referance to breaking two:Electric Boogaloo but theres no point.
Those with too much and those with slow growth should all compare should compare logs of all water tests, light and other possible factors. No one here is detailing there water chemistry.
How do you detail water chemistry? I understand what you're saying...we should try to find more accurate reasons for lack orf growth or exxessive growth...But honestly, i dont know if that is possible. There are probably so many diffrent variables involved that it would be impossible for the average joe like me to figure out. Maybe a Marine scientist...
Just write down the test results every time you test your water.I got a note book full,since I test a couple of times a week.(finally about to break myself from testing every day).
Heres mine on average:
432 watts of T-5 Actinics for 10,10Ks for 4.

Thats actually a great idea Sen.Maybe it will help those with little or none coralline growth.
We should also mention if your a your tank is "low growth" or "high growth".

300 watts of power compact lights.
Ammonia, nitrates, Nitrites = 0
Ph: 8.0
Phosphates 0
Havent tested for Calcium or Magnesium so i dont know
Temp: 76-80
Water flow: Low to Moderate

Type: High Growth
Brand of salt too.
I was using Oceanic.But just switched over to kent.
And high growth.
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I have high growth, but it disappears quickly. As for water parameters? Well...I haven't tested those since September. So who knows!
I have high growth, but it disappears quickly. As for water parameters? Well...I haven't tested those since September. So who knows!

What the heck? I know you haven't done a water change since then, but how do you sleep not knowing what your parameters are?
...Sob... It's all about my laziness. As long as all my animals are doing and looking okay, I really don't bother...