coraline algea


Reefing newb
How do I get my tank to be covered in coraline algea ( hopes thats the spelling ) I see some tanks and they have a little, and my tank has little spots here and there, I have no real great places to buy rocks that have it on it... so I was hopeing to be able to get mine started up with what I have???any suggestion as in water, lighting...?
you could use purple up but some people dont believe in it. It should eventually start showing up if you have good lights.
If you have little spots here and there, it's "in" your tank. If you want it to spread and grow, keep your water parameters stable. Maintain calcium at about 400, alk about 8 dKH, magnesium about 1200 and keep phosphates undetectable.
+1 Capt
And right with Game.I'll give you all my coralline.That stuff can be a pain sometimes.
you do want it in your tank because it looks good and will out compete all other algaes but once it starts growing on the glass side you view the tank through it can be a pain to scrape off
how many years does it take to make my tank look like the ones that are covered in it, I know thats vague but i think you know what i mean by covered in it... I introduced the algea about 3 months ago
Do you know anyone else that has some in their tank? You could ask them (or your LFS) to scrape off some pieces into a baggie, then dump it in your tank. I have found that Purple Up works great. I've used it in my 55 and 240, and saw rapid coralline growth both times.
you could also take a tooth brush and scrape at the coralline you already have and where ever those spores land new coralline will pop up
how many years does it take to make my tank look like the ones that are covered in it, I know thats vague but i think you know what i mean by covered in it... I introduced the algea about 3 months ago
I add nothing to my tank except calcium, baking soda and magnesium.

This is when it was 1st set up on 2-19-08. No coralline.



I wouldn't be too anxious for it. It will come eventually and then you will be scraping it off and wondering why you were in such a hurry.