Coral Help


Reef enthusiast
So I'm having trouble with my corals and I plan to update to my new tank soon that will have a protein skimmer and refigium and such and it will be much more stable, but my current problem.

I have 72 watt Nova Extreme T5 over 12 gallon

I got some new frags a couple weeks ago but I need some help

My green trumpet coral isn't opened up.

My LPS( I have a 3 different ones that all have a three heads and are a redish pink, green, and one that is white and red I guess the white turns red eventually) doesn't let it's tentacles out, when it is fed it simple retracts and it's mouth opens but it doesn't let out it's tentacles like I have seen the ones in the lfs do and pull in the food.

How do I get them to recover and let out their tentacles once again?
If you have any ammonia or nitrite, your corals and fish are not going to do well. This means that either your tank isn't done cycling or that you started another cycle somehow. Ammonia and nitrite should always be at zero, they are extremely toxic to corals and other inverts in particular.

Can you give us numbers? I don't know what the colors mean.

I have only seen the tentacles extend on my favia a few times, and it's always been at night when the tank is dark. I don't think that's anything to worry about, as it will get most of its food from the water column, however if you have nitrites and ammonia, your water quality is poor and that will certainly harm the corals.

And that second one is a trumpet or candy cane, it's not unusual for them not to extend their tentacles.
A water change will bring the ammonia and nitrites down temporarily, but not to zero. Have they always been showing up? Or was there a time when you had ammonia and nitrites at zero at some point? You should try to figure out WHY you have ammonia and nitrites, because you shouldn't.
Sounds to me like you need to have your water double checked by your LFS.
I have the store check mine once a month.Just to make sure my kits are still reliable.
Sorry These Suck


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I clearly see that the first is a trumpet.It only expands its feeding tentacles at night and when it smells food in the water.They do find without feeding but you can feed it cyclopeeze.

The second pic is so blurry,it looks almost like a blasto to feeding necessary if thats what it is.

The third looks like a favia/closed brain.They too expand feeder tentacles at night.You will be fine without feeding it.You can feed it cyclops also if/when you see the feeder tentacles.