Coral Beauty not so Beautiful?!?


Reef enthusiast
I noticed my close brain looks........annoyed. Not chunks missing or anything, more depressed in two/three little areas like he shrunk up where he would have been touched. I wouldn't even be so concerned other than the fact he's never been like this before. I'm watching you little fish..........
I forgot about you adding the coral beauty.Keep a close eye on it.
I wont say the CB will nip at the coral,but its an angel fish,so I wont say that it wont either.
My coral beauty, that I've had forever, has always left all my corals alone. Until this week, when he decided to eat my $120 alveopora :(. Now 2 of the 3 heads of Alvin are completely dead. No way can I catch a fish in a tank my size. I hope he stops at Alvin and doesn't go for anything else...
Biff I hate to tell ya,but once they get a taste of coral flesh they like it.
Think "a fox in a chicken coupe"
After reading this I will be changing the order I placed last week, thankfully the FS was out of stock on coral beauties. I was a little worried and read that if they had a big tank they would be ok...maybe....after reading this...why take the chance, lotsa fishes out there to choose from.