Coral Beauty dying...


life's a beach
What can I do? I came home today and found it in my tank, wedged between two rocks. It's still alive..I thought it was dead so I was going to remove it and it wiggled out of the rock and moved..kinda laid on it's side for a little bit and then rewedged itself in the same rock.

What do i need to do? IS there anything I can do? It's breathing, not abnormally fast or slow..and when I touched it, it hauled ass...

Grr..super frustrating. Got it from petland not even a week ago...
I hate to hear that Garret.
But theres not much you can do other than set up a QT and see what happens.
+1 yote

Sadly enough with it only being in your tank for a week, it might not have too much of a chance left...sounds severly stressed :sad:...sorry.

Does petland have any sort of fish guarantee?
Damn, I have no clue what happened. My clowns did not even notice him, so it wasn't an issue of him getting picked on. He even had a spot that he'd hide was up inside of a rock towards the bottom of the tank.

He had been eating good too. When I pulled him from the tank, about an hour after I posted this, he looked starved..So I have no idea. There was also some damage to the right side of his face, looks like it had been picked on by something(got him before the CUC tore him up). Not sure if he had a run in with something or what...

Worst part is he was basically a gift for my wife because she had been asking me to get a pretty saddle browns don't seem to fit into her category as pretty...

Not sure what else I could have done, but it sucks : / I just did a water change yesterday, all parameters were perfect...I was even psyched that my nitrates were at 0..

And the Petland was going out of business so there are for sure no givies backsies..
I took my time acclimating this one, over an hour and a half I think. I was feeding with mysis and krill. It was sucking down the mysis.

Cuc includes 3 turbo, 10 nass, 2 astrea, 10 small hermit.
Did you suppliment with any macro algae or seaweed strips? They need their veggies too, beyond that, if it wasn't at the LFS for too long it could have been severely stressed with the initial move and then the move to your place. Just because it was eating mysis doesn't mean it wasn't stressed or sick for that matter...especially since the store was closing, they may have been trying to "unload" the fish, sorry to say.

IME, I actually bought a coral beauty once from one of the new guys at my LFS...there were three to choose from, he suggested I take the one in the top tank/box because it had the best coloring. Took it home, died the next day, brought back to the LFS, showed it to the owner with a sample of my water. He couldn't figure out what happened till I told him that it was the fish from the top and he said, "Ohhhhh....they're not supposed to give you guys fish from there...those are our QT's and new fish" :frustrat: He gave me a credit, which I then used to buy two purple anthias a week later without researching them first :frustrat:x2...but that's another story :lol: Long story short...Coral Beauties can be sensitive to tank transfers...apparently :12:

As for the scrathes, it was probably the hermits that got to him even before he died/you got to him...unless he just scratched himself on that rock that he was wedging himself in between :dunno:
Its always good to a take a really big magnifying glass and try to look at the fish very closely. Some illnesses are not so easily seen.
Could have been the method the fish was collected from the ocean too.
A lot of those big chain stores use suppliers that dont care about the fish and use what means they have to catch them,,ie,,cynanide(sp?) And that can take several weeks to kill the fish,because it basically shuts their liver down.
So probably wasnt something that you did,just the luck of the draw.