

Reefing newb
I have my new metal halide setup ready to be installed this weekend. But I am wondering before I flip the switch, do I need a chiller? I am in total control of my environment (AC / Heating), and am going to isolate the halides with glass from my aquarium (with ample fan cold air in and out). However, I want to make sure I am going to be able to keep my water cold.
Chillers put out a lot of residual heat. What is your tank temperature averaging now (without a heater) ? The lights will probably raise the temperature about 5 degrees.
Have a fan push the hot air away from the surface of the water. If you don't allow the hot air to reach the surface, then there will be no temp difference :D Plus, fans are relatively cheap and cost efficient.
A chiller will remove heat from the tank and move it back to the surrounding environment. So if you use a chiller, it will raise the room temperature. Chillers are pretty inefficient in that regard, they have to work harder because they heat they're putting out is heating up the tank even more... I don't think you will need a chiller. A couple fans blowing across the surface of the water can drop the tank's temp by up to 10 degrees.
Right now the tank is about 76 - 78 with 4x 40 watt flourescent bulbs about 3" off the surface. No fans are present and air flow over the top of the tank is pretty close to non-existant right now.

So My ideas to build the canopy are as follows:

1.) Build secure housing for Metal Halide Lamps. Create a 1/2" cushion between custom 4 foot reflector and top of tank. Squeeze in 2 cooling fans to pull heat off the aluminum

2.) create venting out the back with 4x fans (2x in, 2x out) to keep air flow controlled.

3.) Create a splash shield (and hopefully a heat shield) with solid pain low-e glass between aquarium and lighting system.

4.) 6" (or more depending on recommendations) gap between glass and top of aquarium water

5.) 2x more fans to help cool air between splash shield and top of tank.

Sound good?
I did just about all of that and my tank still gets hot. 81 sometimes 82 degrees. What I do is throw frozen water bottles in the tank or sump.

But I wish u the best of luck
Right now the tank is about 76 - 78 with 4x 40 watt flourescent bulbs about 3" off the surface. No fans are present and air flow over the top of the tank is pretty close to non-existant right now.

So My ideas to build the canopy are as follows:

1.) Build secure housing for Metal Halide Lamps. Create a 1/2" cushion between custom 4 foot reflector and top of tank. Squeeze in 2 cooling fans to pull heat off the aluminum

2.) create venting out the back with 4x fans (2x in, 2x out) to keep air flow controlled.

3.) Create a splash shield (and hopefully a heat shield) with solid pain low-e glass between aquarium and lighting system.

4.) 6" (or more depending on recommendations) gap between glass and top of aquarium water

5.) 2x more fans to help cool air between splash shield and top of tank.

Sound good?
I would try to avoid using a glass top, especially if you are building a canopy.
Take a look at my build thread. Here's the link to a few pics of my canopy with an open back, fans on the sides, MH lighting and fluorescent bulbs.
I dont think he is going for a glass top. Just a splash sheild. #4 says he is going to have atleast 6" of air space between the glass and top of aquarium. #5 says he is going to have some fans in there to get fresh air in there.

I think that should be fine.
