Contest Daugherty

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Ted its all good. We can play that game. Ill send you a couple pounds oh hair algar out of my 180 free of charge!
lol naw I will have to figure out my own problem algae to have in my tank. I have to be different. Maybe some of that tangs heaven that is on the rock my zoahs came on. Its nice and purple.
well i may add some aussi duncans if they are ready to cut before the date ends for adding things my father-in-law got 5 heads that are already showing signs of splitting more. good news for me
That is good news. I almost boudgy some today! Bought something sweet as a substatute because they were sold.
i just got adobe elements and i am trying to figure it out. the light i did make for my tank it was not hard to do at all i wish i would have taken more time with it and done it right. as with the time for my tank it is not the amount of time it take to maintain it it is the time in the day that i have to get it done. i work all night then take care of the girls during the day. i have tried to do the maintence with me and the girls helping me but they just destroy things and i am setting it all up like my water i will have a bucket with water made ready for a water change and i turn around and there is emma with a cup of salt dumping it in the water. so i just kinda gave up on trying anything when it is just me and them. so far the xenia is doing great and the trumpet coral is doing good i have no alage in the tank so far. thank god about that. for me there is just not enough time in the day for me to get everything done the way it needs to be. i am working on running new wire for my big tank so it will have its own power source other than what the the rest of the house uses so then i will put a timer on the light on the nano. because sometimes i forget to turn off the light when i get home. i have asked my son to try and remember but he does not always get it done and when i go to turn the light on it is still on.. and i would love to get some tips on adobe elements
GEEEZZZZ, when do you sleep?

How old are your girls?

I LOVE YOUR LIGHT! Maybe it's 'cause I'm an artist but it looks so cool, soooo cool! It's got style and personality. One of the things I like the most about this contest is that we are having to kind of invent things that fits the needs of our tanks and it's putting so much more personality into the tanks than if we all went and bought the same pretty light fixtures, does that make sense? I see a person's hand in your light and to me that makes it so much cooler than anything you could have bought. BE PROUD OF THAT LIGHT!

Lights: I picked up a timer at wal-mart that looks just like this one: [ame=] Intermatic TN711C Security Timer: Home & Garden[/ame]

It's not pretty but it works for now. Someday, I'll get a fancy one but my budget is tight at the moment. It's a simple off and on thing.

Do you need to do water changes if there is nothing living in the tank? I didn't think you did? I top off daily, which is a pain, so for now, with my nano I'm just dumping a cup of RODI in the tank each morning. I know it's a shock to their system but I don't have a drip line for that tank.

I've got Adobe Elements, do you want to meet in the chatroom sometime and talk about it? Maybe we should get Biff to chaperone ;)

GEEEZZZZ, when do you sleep?

How old are your girls?

I LOVE YOUR LIGHT! Maybe it's 'cause I'm an artist but it looks so cool, soooo cool! It's got style and personality. One of the things I like the most about this contest is that we are having to kind of invent things that fits the needs of our tanks and it's putting so much more personality into the tanks than if we all went and bought the same pretty light fixtures, does that make sense? I see a person's hand in your light and to me that makes it so much cooler than anything you could have bought. BE PROUD OF THAT LIGHT!

Lights: I picked up a timer at wal-mart that looks just like this one: Intermatic TN711C Security Timer: Home & Garden

It's not pretty but it works for now. Someday, I'll get a fancy one but my budget is tight at the moment. It's a simple off and on thing.

Do you need to do water changes if there is nothing living in the tank? I didn't think you did? I top off daily, which is a pain, so for now, with my nano I'm just dumping a cup of RODI in the tank each morning. I know it's a shock to their system but I don't have a drip line for that tank.

I've got Adobe Elements, do you want to meet in the chatroom sometime and talk about it? Maybe we should get Biff to chaperone ;)


i dont get that much sleep during the week i get about 4 hours a day. and friday and saterday i have off and i sleep most of the day both days just to catch up on sleep that makes the wife a bit angry but what do you do when you are that tired. the girls are 3 will be 4 in may. my son is 6. and we will have a new little one in december or maybe a bit sooner. i like to try and keep the water fresh and i guess it is just a good habit to do water changes more so on a nono since thing can change faster in them. i have to put a couple cups a day in the tank for water the tank never goes above 80 when the light is on so i am happy about that. i have been selling xenia to my lfs and i use it to buy things i need for the tanks. next time i am going to get something new for the nano if they have anything that i like.

and i would love to meet in chat to learn how to use elements and or photoshop every time i try to do somethig i make it worse that is was
Hey, James, I just remembered something, do you have a magic wand? Here's how it works: Get your girls to "help" you make a magic wand. Get some glitter (pink of course) stickers, silk leaves, whatever you've got laying around. Stick all that gunk to a nice sized stick. Then, you put the stick in a box and write the address of their favorite faery (ours was Tinkerbell) on the outside. When Tinkerbell gets the package she sprinkles faery dust (gold glitter) on it and makes it magical. When she's done she will make it magically appear in your home somewhere (fireplace mantle?). Only Mommies and Daddies are allowed to use the magic wand and they use it to make things Special. Special can be Untouchable (like tank water or nick-nacks) it can be to make green beans taste yummy, or to remove monsters from under beds and out of closets. If you use the wand more than a few times a week it looses it's magic power so be careful about it but it's power is very strong if you sell the story good enough! Worked for us 'till she got to be about 6 or so. Now that she's 17, I'm thinking about trying it again! Hope it helps! Oh, almost forgot, you can make miniature wands for your girls so they won't touch yours but Tinkerbell only sprinkles gold faery dust on the one for Mommy and Daddy. Their wands are just pretend. :)
I don't believe in "everyone gets a trophy" but I do believe in using any tool necessary to get the job done. Do you know of any other item that will remove monsters from under the bed AND the closet? We tried the Monster Spray but my kid was allergic to air freshener. Some jobs just need a magic wand!

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