Contest Alexander

Good question bobby. I have a huge supply of live food in there. Plus have started trying to feed frozen. 1 feeding so far and he/she was extremely interested, I just don't think it was coming down easy enough. I'm going to try to cram some in a rock crevace where the scooter can easily access it. And if that doesn't work ill culture pods in mason jars! I'm not letting this fish die!
HAHA It is a very pretty fish. Good luck on getting it to eat frozen. Is this the only fish in you tank?
Its a very cool looking fish good luck with him. So is everyone only doing one fish in their tank?
I decided I needed some nutrient export and hopefully a home for much wanted pods. So went to home depot and got a light and clip on housing for under fifteen bucks!

The bulb is a 75 watt equiv energy efficent bulb with a 5000k spectrum that is supposed to produce better results than the 2000k bulbs. Picked up some chaeto.... LFS had next to none! im hoping it grows fast. so far since I have put it in it seems that it has almost doubled but it may be just me hoping it has and seeing things.




Good deal! Hopefully your chaeto grows. If you want some more, I can send you some. I've got so much chaeto in my fuge, I don't even have space to add pods! ;)

I tested my contest tank last night. I haven't done a water change in about a month. Nitrates are still at 0. And that's with no filter, no skimmer, no fuge, nothing. I'm really amazed.
Good deal! Hopefully your chaeto grows. If you want some more, I can send you some. I've got so much chaeto in my fuge, I don't even have space to add pods! ;)

That would be awesome, except Im afraid it would probably cost a ton to ship it and maybe not be worth it... unless you know a secret. I need to get enough grown out so that I can start in on the 180, I have the light and the bulb for the 180, but not enough chaeto to start in on it.

for comparison here is how big it is today. and the first picture was taken 2 weeks ago.


When I ordered my chaeto off of Ebay, it was shipped regular mail and it arrived fine. Maybe not in this weather, but I can send you some when it warms up. Worst case scenario, I'm out a couple bucks for the postage.
Before either of us go to the effort, which I will if she doesn't BTW, can't you just grab a handful the next time you visit your LFS? They give the stuff away here. I'm battling aips right now so I'm not sure you want my chaeto....
If you saw my tank you would probably laugh. Ill count my nems and you tell me how many you have... ill probably win!

my lfs rarely has it. They had a small handfull last time I went and I got charged for it! tried 2 other fish stores first. zero in the whole store.

tell ya what Biff, Ill send you a mj screen and you send me some macro :) quid pro quo