Combtooth Blenny diet and a hermit eating a millipede.

it doesnt seem that my combtooth blenny likes any meat, he just goes for the microalgae on the rock and glass, and doesnt really care for brineshimp.
it doesnt seem that my combtooth blenny likes any meat, he just goes for the microalgae on the rock and glass, and doesnt really care for brineshimp.
There's no room in my tank for picky eaters... you gotta tell him you eat what you are served and you LIKE IT! :mrgreen:
Some blennies are that way Tristan.Most of em just eat algae,and some wont touch any kind of shrimp.
I had a lawnmower blenny that starved because he wouldnt touch frozen foods.
so yours is just like mine right? i think lawnmower=combtooth? i really hope mine doesnt starve to death. he's my favorite fish now. sad to hear about your blenny. do you have another one?
Lawnmower blennies are also known as sailfin blennies.But yeah,he's been replaced:D That happened like 3 years ago.