

Reefing newb
I just noticed these little "strings" on my LR and sand. They look like little cobwebs . Any idea what they might be or from? My snails and hermits just pass right over them. They are too small and thin to get a picture of.
maybe spaghetti worms, look at under fotos page, if they move around if not than a sponge could be growing on live rock either way both are good to have.
If the cobwebs are coming out of a tube then its vermetid snail.They are sessile snail that throws out a fishing line(cobwebs)to catch food particles and reel it in.You should be able to see two tentrals coming from the tube with a flap that opens like a trap door.

If the webs is coming from a jelly mass than its a ctenophore(comb jelly).Related to jellyfish except they are sessile and do the same thing as vermetid snails.Both are reef safe but can annoy corals by keeping them from opening.Ctenophores usually die-off on there own in time.You will have to epoxy them or kalk/salt paste vermetids if you want to rid them.
Well, they don't move so I don't think they are a type of worm. They don't seem to be coming out of any nearby tubes either. Any other ideas?