Cleanup Crew

Biff,if your trying to catch your sallys,just take a piece of shrimp or silverside,tie it to a short piece of fishing line,let the sally get hold of the bait,then slowly lift em up untill you can get your net under them.
Dont know if it'll work,but its worth a shot. Works like a charm on wild crabs.
Bifferwine said:
Really? It's worth a shot. Although I'm afraid they know what the net looks like and will shy away from it as soon as they see it in the water. Maybe I'll give it a try over the weekend.

I've read that if you leave the net in for a couple days or so, the animals will get accustomed to it. Worth a shot if it will help you catch the crab

Yea.. but is it worth looking at the net for a weekend? They might get accustomed to it.. but.. as soon as the net comes charging at them.. they will run right away!!!
Nope not yet. Doing other stuff with my tank. My husband bought me a nice bright orange blastomussa rock today (with about 8 of them on it), a rock of red polyps that I've never seen anywhere before (they don't look like normal polyps, they're really funky looking and supposedly nocturnal?) and a rock of green striped mushrooms (about 8 of them). So I will have to set aside to catch them in the next couple days... I know, I know, I keep on putting it off.
I take it biff never went crabing? That method I suggested biff,,is actually kinda fun. Learned that when I was living on the coast of texas.