Cleaner Shrimp

Coke bottle thing didnt work. Shrimp dug into my duncan's stomach to get the mysis. He is a PITA! Thinking about trading him in when i go back to the LFS. Anybody like fire shrimp. They look cool.
I like my fire shrimp cool but expensive. Mine stays in the Rock structure till feeding time. He usually stays on the sand and does not go running all over the corals like my skunk.
I want to trade mine. He got real big real fast.

My scarlet shrimp and fire shrimp shed their skins a week and a half ago. Now my scarlet shrimp shed again. Is this normal? I've only had a salt water tank for 3 months. Had fresh water for many years.
My fire shrimp is a lil hellian when I'm feeding. Don't get me wrong. He's cool as hell. He cleans my starry blenny and watchman goby. Also pretty funny when my CBS and him get close, the CBS always chases him away in a furry. He's just a fatty that can never get enough food.
I've been having the same problem with my peppermint pair. They finish their food, then go to my candy cane and my duncan and rip the food out of their mouths too. One even took a chunk out of my candy cane one evening. If the bad behavior continues, I'll be attempting to trap the little rat bass turds. They did great until my tank was fishless (or mostly fishless, thanks to a certain nano blenny that I NEVER see). Then they commenced with the bad behavior. Now that I have a pair of firefish, I haven't seen the peppermint pair at all, so maybe they'll start minding their manners again. Good luck with your problem children!
I eventually had to get rid of both of my cleaner shrimp because of that. You can cut a soda bottle and use it as a cover to protect the corals while they are eating.