Broke Reefer!
Hi everyone! I'm getting ready to replace/restock my CUC in my 90g and add a CUC to my 42g. When I first stocked my 90g I went with a CUC from LA that consisted of about 6 different varieties of algae eating snails, nassarius snails, and a few urchins (2 of which I eventually traded in.... many of you remember my rogue urchin who ended up in jail!). Since then I've also added 2 brittlestars, and have tried but lost a few other inverts over time - lettuce nudibranch, turbo snails, emerald crabs, conches. Now I'm looking at Reefcleaners (I know they have a great reputation), and they have several types of smaller snails on their site that sound great but I don't know how necessary they are. I'm also thinking of getting one of the non-toxic cucumbers from LA. So I guess I'm just curious what critters other people think are an essential part of their clean-up crew? Any particular type of snails or urchins or crabs that you would never go without?