Clams regulate how much Xooxanthellae algae they are currently hosting and can eject all of it if they deem necessary since they are only primarily photosynthetic they can continue to live without it for quite some time, so it being bleached may not have any adverse affects on the clams health at all and it will regain it all after time. If it is a wild clam they are collected very harshly because if they are under 3" generally they are footed extremely well and have ground a divet into the rock to guard there foot so they are pulled out and can become very stressed and usually die.
Mostly just watch for "gaping mouth", parasite, direct currents, and bubbles in the mantle. To try and rid the clam of bubbles you can pick it up and lightly rock it from side to side and if any are there they should come out. If the clam starts to get gaping mouth try and tie the clam shut and leave the opening at about an eighth of an inch for a few days or untill you can see that it is pushing most of its mantle out of the opening, just loosen and give it about another week. There are 2 bysal muscles and one is always pulling the clam open the other has to fight that muscle to close and if the closing muscle becomes damaged the mantle can be ripped apart. For tying the clam i used airline tubing but fishing line or something of that sort would work also.