
when you have no other way of cooling your tank.

most people use fans and they work great.

i have to use a chiller now because i live in a house that doesnt run AC in the summer. so a fan just isnt going to cut it.

or you are keeping cold water species.

other than that, dont waste your money
Very few people need chillers. They are necessary if your temperatures are getting out of control. But there are other, cheaper, more effective ways to try to cool a tank before you should resort to a chiller.
I try to tell people do not setup a tank in a warm place to begin with. Direct sunlight, heating vents and rooms without air-conditioning can cause over-heating. A $100 A/C window unit my solve your problem and cost less then a small $300 chiller.

I use a fan in the summer only. When the room gets to 85F I turn on the central A/C.
Small clip on fans from Walmart blowing across the top of your tank and/or sump can work wonders for tank cooling!! Unless you plan to keep cool/cold water species, like Maine lobsters, you should not need a chiller.
sounds good, my tank is going in a room with A/C, so summers will be fine. And, I'm Canadian, so the rest of the year shouldnt be a problem! :bounce: I'll have to keep the heater working full steam in the igloo!! :mrgreen: